Igor K. Butkevitch
3 monographs, about 90 published papers and 20 patents
Subjects of Special Interest and Proposals
Cryogenic reciprocating expansion engines
1. Expansion engines' cycle
The parameters (pressure and temperature) of the expander cycle characteristic
points were described and proposed the equations for calculating and methods
for measuring [1.1, 1.2, 1.3].
[1.1] A.M.Archarov, K.S.Butkevitch, I.K.Butkevitch, A.Z.Mirkin "Cryogenic
reciprocating expansion engines", Moscow, "Mashinostroenie", 1974, (in Russian).
[1.2] A.M.Archarov, I.K.Butkevitch "Helium expansion engine's temperature
diagram and examination of cycles common
theory basic thesises" Zh."Izvestiya Vuzov
Mashinostroenie" N8, 1968, p.109-113 (in Russian).
[1.3] A.V.Belonogov, I.K.Butkevitch, Yu.I.Povarov "The results of helium
reciprocating expansion engine experimental research"
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, N7, 1973, p.93-96
(in Russian and translated in English (USA).
2. Expansion engine-liquefier
The air and helium expander-liquefier designs were created and researched
together with cryogenic plants.
The cryogenic plant capability was increased on 25-
30 % [2.1, 2.2, 2.3].
[2.1] I.K.Butkevitch, E.A.Dokshitzki, E.A.Kudryavtzev "The reciprocating
expansion engine-liquefier creation" TZINTIHIMNEFTEMASH, HM-6m Express
Information, N3, 1972, (in Russian).
[2.2] I.K.Butkevitch, E.A.Dokshitzki "An experimental research of the high
pressure air expansion engine in expander-liquefier mode", Abstracts of the
1-st All-Union Cryogenic Engineering Conf., Balashikha, Moscow region, 1973,
(in Russian).
[2.3] I.K.Butkevitch, A.P.Inkov, V.N.Utkin "Creation and research of the
cryogenic helium system" Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, N7, 1980, p.7-9 (in
Russian and translated in English (USA).
3. Reciprocating expansion engines new designs
The new helium expansion engine designs with valves pneumatic and
electromagnetic drive and electromagnetic
powder brake was created and researched
[3.1]. The automatic electron control valves system was researched and tested
together with helium expansion engine-liquefier [3.2].
[3.1] V.S.Bogdanov, I.K.Butkevitch, E.A.Dokshitzki, Yu.I.Dukhanin "Creation
and research of the helium reciprocating expansion engine with valves
electromagnetic drive" Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, N7, 1980,p.12-13 (in Russian)
[3.2] I.K.Butkevitch, V.V.Krylov, V.S.Bogdanov et al. "The reciprocating
expansion engine for the cryogenic helium plants final refrigerattion stage"
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, N1, 1990, p.20-22
(in Russian and translated in
English (USA).
4. Cryogenic systems transition modes
The original methods to compute the quasistatic and dynamic modes of the
cryogenic system heat exchangers were proposed [4.1, 4.2].
The cryogenic systems
transition mode research were fulfilled [4.3, 4.4, 4.5] both computation and
[4.1] I.K.Butkevitch, S.I.Veremchuk, M.A.Zuev et al. "Engineering methods to
compute the quasistatic and dynamic modes of cryogenic systems heat
exchangers" Inter-republican symposium "Refrigiration technique and technology",
Kiev, 1979, p.48-53 (in Russian).
[4.2] I.K.Butkevitch, M.A.Zuev, V.Ph.Romanishin "Quasi-dynamic modelling
of heat transfer processes" Journal of Engin.Physics, Vol.56, N1, 1989,
p.118-126 (in Russian and translated in English).
[4.3] A.Ph.Arinin, I.K.Butkevitch, V.I.Sukhov et al. "Transition modes of
cryogenic helium systems" TZINTIHIMNEFTEMASH, HM-6, 1986, (in Russian).
[4.4] I.K.Butkevitch, A.N.Kostrov, V.Ph.Romanishin "Modelling of the
multiplex systems dynamic modes" Inter-institutes symposium "Modern problems
of gydrodynamics and heat exchange in power plants elements and cryogenic
technology", 1986, p.91-98 (in Russian).
[4.5] V.P.Belyakov, I.K.Butkevitch, V.E.Philimonov "Calculated and
experimental studies of helium cryogenic
systems cooldown modes" Transactions of
NPO KRIOGENMASH "The processes in cryogenic systems and units", Balashikha,
1979, p.10-19 (in Russian).
Cryogenic systems for large superconducting units
5. The tokamaks cryogenic helium systems
The cryogenic helium system for the first superconducting Tokamak (T-7) was
desinged, studied and tested [5.1, 5.2]. The magnet systems test bench
cryogenic helium system was made and studied [5.1, 5.3].
As a result, 14 toroidal
field coils of Tokamak-15 superconducting magnet were tested [5.1]. Then the
unique cryogenic helium system for T-15 superconducting magnet was proposed
and realized [5.1]. The cooldown and steady-state operation of this system
together with T-15 magnet system were studied [5.1, 5.4]. At last, the ITER
(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) cryogenic system
conceptual design was proposed using the test and working experience [5.5].
[5.1] Superconducting magnet systems for Tokamaks./Edited by N.A.Chernoplekov
- M.: IzdAT, 1997 (in Russian).
[5.2] I.V.Babaev, V.S.Bogdanov, I.K.Butkevitch et al. "Design and test results
of the Tokamak-7 cryogenic system" Pre-print IAE-3415/8, M., 1981 (in Russian).
[5.3] Yu.A.Balashov, N.V.Barmin, I.K.Butkevitch et al. "The test results of
SIMS cryogenic complex" Proceedings of the 111 All-Union IPTR conference, M.,
Vol.2, 1984, p.284-292 (in Russian).
[5.4] I.K.Butkevitch, S.I.Veremchuk, Yu.I.Dukhanin et al. "Tokamak-15 Cooldown
and Steady-state Operation Modes" Proceedings of ICEC-14 (The 14-th Intern.
Cryog. Engin. Conf.), Cryogenics, Vol.32, 1992, p.126-129 (in English).
[5.5] L.V.Archipova, I.K.Butkevitch, V.D.Kovalenko et al. "The ITER Cryogenic
System. Conceptual design, results of the analysis" Abstracts of the 12-th
Intern. Conf. on Magnet technology, Leningrad, USSR, p.388 (in English).
6. Accelerators cryogenic systems
The conceptual design of the large extended cryogenic systems was proposed
[6.1], the analysis of UNK-3000 cryogenic system efficiency and reliability
was fulfilled and optimum composition and disposition of cryogenic plants
were proved [6.2].
[6.1] I.K.Butkevitch, N.M.Grigorenco, I.E.Dudkin et al. "Cryogenic Cooling
and Maintenance Systems of the Superconducting Magnets of Big Accelerators"
Proceedings of 111 Intern. ICFA Workshop "Possibilities and Limitations for
Superconducting Accelerator Magnets", Protvino, USSR, 1981, p.135-145 (in
[6.2] A.I.Ageev, K.P.Mysnikov, I.K.Butkevitch et al. "Development of
Cryogenic System for UNK" Proceedings of V Intern. ICFA Workshop
"Superconducting Magnets and Cryogenics", USA, 1986, p.58-61 (in English).
7. The perspective tendencies of the cryogenic helium systems progress
The new high effective and high reliability cryogenic helium systems were
proposed [7.1, 7.2, 7.3]. The original solution for compression helium in
centrifugal compressors was proposed. The addition amont of R-13 (R-14)
reuired into helium permits not only to increase the compression stage of a
cryogenic unit efficiency and reliability and to use R-13 throttle-effect
for cooling of helium gas in the preliminary stage of cryogenic plants [7.4].
The two-circuit cryogenic helium systems with sattelites were analysed and
tested as efficiency and the most reliability cryogenic systems for large
superconducting units [7.5, 7.6]. The ejector final stages of cryogenic
helium plants were studied as instrument for fall of temperature and increase
of helium circulation throooough cooled canals [7.6, 7.7].
[7.1] I.K.Butkevitch, E.D.Mikitenko, N.A.Purtov et al. "Perspective
cryogenic helium systems" Transactions
of NPO KRIOGENMASH "The processes and
control in cryogenic systems and units", Balashikha, 1983, p.1-15 (in Russian).
[7.2] I.K.Butkevitch "The Large Cryogenic Helium Systems for Supercoducting
Magnets" Proceedings of The 14-th Intern. Cryog. Engin. Conf. (ICEC-14),
Cryogenics, Vol.32, 1992, p.126-129 (in English).
[7.3] I.K.Butkevitch "The modern cryogenic helium systems> Perspectives of
progress." Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, N2, 1995, p.44 (in Russian and
translated in English).
[7.4] G.K.Lavrenchenko, I.K.Butkevitch, L.T.Karaganov et al. "Compression
and preliminary cooling stages of cryogenic helium plants" TZINTIHIMNEFTEMASH,
HM-6, 1983 (in Russian).
[7.5] I.K.Butkevitch, E.D.Mikitenko, N.A.Purtov "Analysis of the sattelites
for circulating cryostated objects" Inter-institutes symposium "Modern
problems of gydrodynamics and heat exchange in power
plants elements and cryogenic
technology", 1989, p.127-132 (in Russian).
[7.6] I.K.Butkevitch, L.N.Dobrovolski, V.N.Utkin et al. "Experimental study
of the sattelite with throttle-ejector final cooling stage" Inter-istitute
symposium "Modern problems of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in power plants
elements and cryogenic technology", 1987, p.111-120 (in Russian).
[7.7] A.Ph.Arinin, V.Ph.Arinin, I.K.Butkevitch et al. "Perfectioning of the
sattelites final cooling stages with ejectors" Inter-institutes symposium
"Modern problems of hydrodynamics and heat exchange in power plants elements
and cryogenic technology", 1989, p.119-122 (in Russian).