RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

September, 2014


Konstantin O. Keshishev

Birth: 20.05.1945 Moscow
Citizen of Russia
Address: Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, RAS
119334, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, Russia
Fax +74956512125, Phone +7499
e-mail: [email protected]

Research interests

Thermodynamics, cinetics, and morphology of quantum cruystals

Education, Degrees

M.Sc. in Physics (1969) MIPT
Ph.D. in Physics (1976), Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems AS, USSR
Thesis "Charge motion in helium crystals" Supervisor: Prof. A.I. Shal'nikov
Doctor of Science in Physics (1975), Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems AS, USSR
Thesis "Morphology of quantum crystals"
1997 - RAS Corresponding Fellow


1986 - Lenin Prize

Professional activities

1969-present: research assistent, Ph.D. student, Research Associate, Reseach, Senior Research, Advansed Research, Professorial Research Fellow of Kapitza Institute

Teaching activities

1985-present: Lecturing in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(1985-1998 - Assist., from 1998 - Prof.)