Experimental Data Treatment MethodsE.L.KosarevTextbook (in Russian). Moscow: MIPT, 2003 | Paperback | 256 pages, 25 figures, 12 Fortran 77 programs and subroutines | ISBN: 5741702163 These are the lecture notes on basics of experimental data treatment with a computer, given by the author of this book, to the students of the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 1995–2002 years. It covers main problems encountered with data treatment. There are also presented the Fortran 77 computer programs for almost all methods described in lectures and examples of its usage covered in lectures. The textbook is addressed to graduate students and researchers of any scientific fields, which are acquainted with the basics of university mathematics course. |
1. Some probability distributions.
2. Linear systems and convolutions.
3. Estimation of probability distribution functions and density
distribution functions.
4. Optimal filtering of signals.
5. Expansion over the orthogonal polynomials.
6. R.A.Fisher's maximum likelihood method for parameters estimation.
7. Direct and indirect measurements. The fundamental ill-posedness
of inverse problems.
8. Shannon theorem on the maximum information transmission speed over the
channel with a noise.
9. Linear and nonlinear methods of a signal correction which is resulted
from the experimental setup distortions. Superresolution and its limit.
10. Fast Fourier transform.
11. Spectral analysis of time series.
12. Libraries of computer programs and subroutines and its using for experimental data
13. Problems.
14. Fortran 77 computer programs.
Index. References.
Full text of Contents (in Russian) (pdf)
© Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (State University), 2003
© E.L.Kosarev, 2003
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