P.L.Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems
Russian Academy of Sciences
ul. Kosygina, 2,
Moscow 117334, Russia
A program package for signal recovery from noisy experimental data distorted by the measuring device is developed. Noise may have a Gaussian, binomial or Poissonian distribution at each experimental point. Three examples are given which demonstrate the usage of the package: a) reduction to an arbitrary instrumental function, which depends only on the difference of its arguments (this is the typical spectroscopic problem); b) the expansion of an exponentially decaying curve which has a continuous spectrum of decrements (this problem has applications in time dependent fluorescence, nuclear physics etc.); and c) the ultrasoft X-Ray spectrum recovery from the absorption measurements. These programs are based on the Maximum Likelihood principle which allows the maximum value of resolution improvement according to Shannon's information theory to be achieved [1].
Nowadays the package consists of three ready-to-use programs for:
The program package RECOVERY [2] is implemented for IBM PC/AT compatible personal computers and this software deals with 1D problems. Applications of the RECOVERY were quite successfully in X-ray powder diffractometry, 1D and 2D X-ray detectors, digital angiography with synchrotron radiation, solid state physics, photoelectron and optical spectroscopy, e.t.c. [3]-[6].
The example from [5] is shown in figure below.
Possible other applications may include seismic exploration, precise measurements and instrumentation, image processing, recovery and enhancement and so on.
Special customized ICs may be used for real-time processing. They must be constructed on the base the same fundamental Maximum Likelihood principle.
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The DEMO version for IBM PC is available from here.